About Us
Hi, This Is Hans, And I Would Like To Welcome You To My WordPress Blog!
My full name is Hans Werner Frank, but in the US and the UK, I was just called Hans.
I am married, and we do have one child, a boy.
For nearly twenty-six years, I have been a Field Engineer and Customer Service Engineer in two former US Companies, Burroughs Ltd and CalComp Ltd respectively.
Burroughs and CalComp were international associated in dealing with Computer Systems, Peripherals and CAD Equipment.
Honestly to say, I’m missing my job quite a lot, and especially the good, friendly and confident relationship I shared with my Customers during all the years I was busy with them!
In Gratitude and Appreciation to Burroughs and CalComp, who both provided Employment to me after being rehabilitated in 1972 because of a foot injury, I decided to become a German-US Affiliate.
Maybe I happen to find Customers again.
To my mind, Service Of Any Kind is not being done by just to solve a problem for a couple of weeks or even months.
More than that, it means to make and to keep your Customers happy all the time!
What is the primary goal I would like to achieve?
Well, I’m looking for the best and most Genuine Products to offer, taking great care to meet all the needed requirements as listed below:
A Top Spot in Test Results what depends on Customer Satisfaction, including Quality, Reliability, Security, Efficiency and a Competitive Pricing for a given value as anticipated.
It must show the best possible Customer Review Outcome, or, in other words, an excellent Five Star Relationship compared to the lower star rates.
Furthermore, just click on all the Links I have prepared for you on my blog’s and sites, including the Videos Links and the Amazon Product Links, for instance.
Also, please, have a look at the AMAZON Product Descriptions, Images and Customer Reviews, Comparing The Products In Search For Optimal information.
After all, the Conclusion should be an Excellent Product Selection that answers all Expectations from the Customers Point of View. As a result, this may lead to wise decisions being made.
However, I’m trying to keep things smart and simple! So, please, be assured:
Only Simple Things Work!
Yours faithfully,